Meditation: A Path to Well-Being

Leandro Chennales
Leandro Chennales

Meditation: A Path to Well-Being


Our lives are constantly filled with many simultaneous activities. Work, studies, family, friends, and other tasks cause mental exhaustion, and sometimes, among so many commitments, we forget to connect with ourselves. This is why it's essential to find techniques that allow us to identify the constant noise in our lives, separate from it, and look within.

What are the benefits of meditation? We can find many, among them, studies have shown that it reduces stress, and improves concentration and memory.

If you wish to separate from your mind for a moment and take distance so that you can reconnect with yourself, there is a key technique: meditation, a method that helps to increase your general well-being and lead a healthier life.

More and more people are practicing this discipline that is thousands of years old. Its wisdom has been passed down from generation to generation.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is an ancestral technique that originated mainly in the East, it has also spread to the western world, and, today, it is practiced by millions of people around the globe.

It is based on a practice of self-control that helps to regulate the body and the mind and that can lead us to a state of deep relaxation. That is to say, meditation is a type of mental training that can bring your body and mind to higher levels of calm and relaxation.

Through this process, those who practice meditation express that they reach greater peace and clarity, which the body needs to live a much healthier life with reduced stress levels.

When we meditate, we can enjoy new experiences, since when we focus our attention on our body and breath, we awaken our knowledge and awareness of ourselves and we can observe all the thoughts that automatically fill our minds. With the simple act of observing our minds, we can enjoy a state of relaxation that is essential to obtaining the mental rest that we need.

Although we may not see immediate results during the first attempts, this is a technique that is strengthened with time and patience. Through meditation, we can look at the world through different eyes, be more fully present in our lives and focus our attention.

What Meditation Isn't

Many times, meditation is mistaken for other similar practices. For this reason, it's important to differentiate what meditation is and isn't so that we can carry it out successfully. These mistaken concepts about what meditation is can better help us to understand this method.

Analyzing: meditation is not about carrying out any type of analysis or concrete thought since we are not looking to arrive at any conclusion, or to resolve questions or existential doubts.

Not thinking: it's important to understand that meditation implies the capacity of observing our thoughts from another perspective without getting carried away by them. That is to say, it's not about "not thinking", but about observing what happens within us in the here and now.

Reflecting: meditation is not a synonym for concentration, since reflecting implies that we are thinking about something to study or observe closely. When you meditate, you release all judgment about what things are and aren't, and you accept the world as it is.

If you would like to improve your quality of life through meditation, download the Hakuna app for free today. There, you will find more than 1000 meditations and techniques that will help you find the well-being you desire.

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